Wednesday 2 October 2024

Tutors and Tutorials

The 'welcome briefing' from the SM123 course chair went well last night. There was not much in the way of entirely new information, but I did get an appreciation of the size and capacity of the course. There are around 670 students on the course in 34 tutor groups. Each group therefore comprises of around 20 students. The groups are arranged in 'clusters', and for some reason I am in the North Cluster. The other two are East and West.

The tutorial booking thingy was open for business and I booked mine this morning.

There is quite a bit of choice and in most cases, it will be a tutor from another cohort delivering the session. Some tutorials are recorded for later viewing and others are not. There are also 'skills' based tutorials on subjects such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and how to tackle the 'reflection' parts of the assignments. There are four planned for October but I suspect there will be more as the course progresses. My first 'skills' tutorial will be on Saturday 5th October and is entitled 'Being an OU student'.

In addition to this, my tutor contacted me by email to introduce themselves and asked me to reply to show that I am a live student and not a passive withdrawal or non-starter. I did this and got a reply back which is good news. I also submitted TMA00 to get it out of the way really and that will be 'marked' and returned to me to show how the electronic submission system works.

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